How do I use Dreammaker DLL's?
Published on February 23, 2008 By its_someone_in_particular In Animated Wallpapers
Dreammaker hay the option to be to dynamic using a 32-bit dll, is a .NET dll supported? And what must the main function be called?
on Feb 23, 2008
YOu might try contacting Littleboy (Julien).  He seems to be the resident expert (outside of Stardock):
on Feb 23, 2008
Unfortunately, I kind of "promised" not to share any source code until the official SDK is released. So it would not be fair to release the info I have. Plus you don't want to piss off Brad these days

If you want the official word on that matter, ask Island Dog or Brad.
on Feb 23, 2008
Well . . it was worth a try.  (
on Mar 02, 2008
I've been told that there are no stupid questions, so...
Will it be possible to run WPF apps as a dynamic dream? I've done some Silverlight work and stepping up from that to WPF shouldn't be too painful.
I would love to create stuff with Blend for the frontend, animate system data or something.